“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”  1 Peter 4:10 NKJV
The Cleaning/Maintenance Ministry is comprised of a small team that operates behind the scenes. Our weekly tasks include vacuuming the carpet throughout the church, cleaning the restrooms, taking out the trash, and wiping down all surfaces.  We also facilitate maintenance and repair tasks. It’s encouraging to see brothers and sisters who are not only willing to take time out of their busy schedules to come clean the church but also do it with cheerful attitudes.  This ministry is open to men and women who desire to serve through cleaning and maintenance.  In addition to having a committed relationship with Jesus Christ, ministry applicants must regularly attend Calvary Chapel Signal Hill consistently for a minimum of six months. This is a very important area of service at Calvary Chapel Signal Hill.  Our cleaning ministry ensures that our church is clean, organized and a comfortable place to be ministered in by the teaching of God’s Word. For more information or to get involved, please fill out and submit the email form available through our Contact link